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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

These are the common terms of use covering the relationship between the website user (you) and us (company, website owner). You consent to all terms and conditions by visiting our website.

1. Interpretation & definition

The bold terms below carry the following meanings: "Terms" contain general terms as well as specific terms relevant to particular sections of this website our privacy policy, and any other pertinent terms, conditions, policies, disclaimers, authorizations, and notices mutually accepted by you and us. "We," "our," or "us" refer to Jashn Foods, the proprietor of this website, including our agents, officers, employees, co-branders, proprietors, and affiliates where these terms exclude or restrict our liability. "You" or "your" denotes any visitor of this website, encompassing any other website, individual, agent, or business (along with any robotic or virtual agent) related to the visitor. Conflict Resolution: In the event of a conflict between the meaning of any general term and any other related specific term, the specific term shall take preference. Specific terms are applicable to particular sections of the website or have been explicitly agreed upon between you (user) and us (company).

2. Use of the Jashn Foods Website

Permission We permit you to use this website under certain conditions and with limited license. We reserve the right to revoke this permission at any time and for any reason. Failure to obtain our written consent before using the website in a manner prohibited by these terms will result in automatic cancellation of your permission. Breach We reserve the right to revoke your permission if you infringe any of the terms or violate any other user’s rights, including, but not limited to, copyright. We may restrict your access to the website, pursue legal actions against damages or specific actions, and take any other lawful measures required, all without surrendering our own rights. Framing You are barred from framing this website or any of the pages related to it. Virtual agents You are prohibited from using any form of technology, such as bots, spiders, crawlers, or parallel virtual agents, to search or extract information from this website. Linking We allow you to link only to the home page of our website. You are prohibited from deep linking, endorsement, support, or rights to our website or intellectual property. You may only link to the home page of this website at [fill in hyperlink]. You may not use deep links (links to any other page) or links in any way that could suggest that we endorse or support you or that you have any rights in our website (site) or intellectual property.

3. Intellectual property

Ownership We are the sole proprietors of this company. We, along with any licensors, retain full ownership of all content and related rights, including intellectual property rights such as patents and copyrights. We also reserve all the moral rights. TrademarksYou are prohibited from using any trade name, trademark, logo, or brand on our website or associated marketing material without our written consent. Restrictions Unless specifically mentioned, you cannot:
  • Modify, copy, or use this website to make imitative works.
  • Distribute, transfer, decompile, rent, loan, assign, sell, or reverse engineer this website.